Zoom is the tool Morningstar uses for video chats like the all-school chat and the various committee meetings. To set up a Zoom call, do the following: Go to http://www.zoom.us. Click Sign In in the upper right corner of the screen. When prompted, enter the login information for the account (don’t have it? Contact Ealasaid!)… Continue reading How to Set Up a Zoom Call
Basic Morningstar’s Basic Core Curriculum consists of the Elements course. Advanced Advanced Curriculum will be organized into semesters and offered for new advanced students and those who wish to reprise the curriculum. Prerequisite: Completion of Elemental Series and invitation by teachers of that series to Morningstar Mystery School. Iron Pentacle Pearl Pentacle Planes of Stability… Continue reading Core Curriculum
Anyone involved in Morningstar is free to organize classes and teach from their own work, tradition, perspective, etc., and can acknowledge Morningstar as an influence. Anyone can organize local in-person study groups, practice groups, devotionals, and so forth. Advanced students who have completed a core curriculum module and are interested in revisiting it may volunteer… Continue reading Process of Becoming a Teacher
Sex Morningstar teachers offer practices and guidance to facilitate students’ connection with Sex and Spirit, that all may move toward Self-Possession and the Work of This God. Morningstar teachers do not begin sexual relationships with students. Pride Morningstar teachers deliver value to their students, and support students in developing their own sense of pride, will,… Continue reading Code of Ethics
This process only applies to those wishing to teaching a class as a Morningstar class, using the school’s name, traditions, and resources. You do not need permission to teach classes in which Morningstar is an influence but you are teaching from your own work, tradition, perspective, etc. You are also always welcome to invite people… Continue reading Propose a Morningstar Class
The Teaching & Curriculum Pillar oversees and organizes modules within the school as well as Morningstar-affiliated teaching outside the school. This page is maintained by the Pillar. Members: Breven Lyssa Tony The pillar may be contacted via email at: MStarTeaching@morningstarmysteryschool.com
Morningstar Cords Cords representing students’ work and mastery are presented at our annual retreats. See our Cords page for detailed information about what each cord means and when and how they are conveyed. Ethics & Inclusiveness Morningstar Mystery School is based on inclusiveness. We welcome all who seek their Divine Work, and we strive to… Continue reading Morningstar Policies and Procedures
The process for applying to join Morningstar Mystery School is as follows. Requirements: To apply: If an applicant’s evaluation is positive, the applicant is accepted. If there is any dissonance between the application and evaluation, or if Steering has concerns that aren’t addressed in them, a third party interviews the applicant and the teacher, then… Continue reading Applying to Join Morningstar