I holy I cannot be holy with this noise we need more holy space to breathe II the labyrinth is the world hotly throbbing in heartbeat within its walls attention narrows sensitized to devotion mistrust, hurt betrayal, fear holy sensation in service to degrading erasing the one who meanders aching for center finding desire walking away the serpent is the labyrinth curling through warm corridors wherein one slowly devoured teases open unexpected space releasing clasped longing the tale of spiraling serpent longing lifting from the ground twisting like horns crowning furrowing space the head of the ram hidden one thrusting through craving absence cracking aperture yielding light III the gods need in both ends space within us the screw of ecstasy we need space within the gods IV all happens together heaven cracking open writhing of the labyrinth serpent sinking to land two serpents at war created and uncreated, beautiful and whole knowing and unknowing an infinite sentence we have begun to learn becoming as gods when we find the end holy holy holy Anthony Rella 10. October 2019