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School Structure Overview

Big decisions/projects for Morningstar Mystery School are overseen by the Board of Directors.

Day-to-day decisions/projects are handled by the pillars:

  • Teaching & Curriculum Pillar
  • Temple & Tech Pillar
  • Research & Alumni Pillar

Additionally, when the school incorporated, we were required to appoint at least three officers to represent the school for legal matters. The three positions include President, Secretary and Treasurer. Officers are appointed by and answer to the Board. The school bylaws include detailed information about the officers’ roles and responsibilities.

Please consider joining the Board or one of the Pillars! There’s a lot to be done to keep Morningstar running smoothly, and we can always use more volunteers.

Our formal Structural Documents go into a lot of detail about all of this, check them out!

The formal application process to join Morningstar is documented here: Applying to Join Morningstar

Other school policies, procedures, and forms can be found on the Morningstar Policies page.

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