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Morningstar Policies and Procedures

Morningstar Cords

Cords representing students’ work and mastery are presented at our annual retreats. See our Cords page for detailed information about what each cord means and when and how they are conveyed.

Ethics & Inclusiveness

Morningstar Mystery School is based on inclusiveness. We welcome all who seek their Divine Work, and we strive to create a warm and accepting community. In all school interactions, online, in person, through video chats, or any other forum, we respect the dignity and divine nature of all present and will not tolerate behavior or speech (spoken or written) that demeans, threatens, or otherwise harms. We support a culture of consent in all our interactions. This requires obtaining overt consent before physically touching any person or personal object. Similarly, advice should only be given when solicited or if permission is first gained. We support each other through witnessing and holding space for each other. We honor ourselves and our community by only sharing our own experience outside of our community.

Discrimination against any person on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, creed, marital status, national origin, disability, age, physical appearance, economic status, or political belief is not tolerated in any aspect of the workings of the school.

Harassment in any form, overt or implied, sexual or otherwise, is not acceptable and will result in expulsion or exclusion from school activities. Microaggressions are a form of harassment that the perpetrator may not be aware they are committing. However, microaggressions are not acceptable or tolerated in our community and will be addressed appropriately to the situation.

Detailed information regarding our policies for posting on the school’s forum can be found on our Posting Etiquette For the Fora page.


In order to streamline the process for reimbursement of costs paid out on the school’s behalf, three categories of expenses have been created: Small non-recurring expenses (those under $50) can be paid directly by the Treasurer without Board approval. Moderate expenses ($51-$150) should be submitted to the Board for approval, but such approval can be obtained via email without formal motion. Significant expenditures (over $150) should be approved by the Board before being made. They require full discussion and approval via formal resolution of the Board.

If at all possible, receipts are required for all reimbursements. A spreadsheet reimbursement request is available for costs that do not have a receipt or for the submission of multiple receipts. Receipts and/or reimbursement requests should be submitted as noted above.

For full policy and procedures, see the Reimbursement Policy.

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